Regular checkups after bbfs

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Regular checkups after bbfs

Post by fairfield »

This is a great forum. Not to sound like a party pooper, but have some concerns/questions:

1) For those with gf/ partner, how do you engage in sexual activity at home after bbfs with mp or sp? (no protection or condoms until tested clean).
2) How risky is the GTA area for STDs. Given the number of members on this forum bbfs seems to be quite common :D
3) How often go you guys get tested for STDs? I am sure nobody wants to suffer because of some undetected disease..
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Re: Regular checkups after bbfs

Post by bbmamba »

Last edited by bbmamba on Mon 14-May-2018 10:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Regular checkups after bbfs

Post by bbfsseeker »

also good idea to piss right after bbfs to clean out the urethra!

Re: Regular checkups after bbfs

Post by PervyErnie »

Yeah. Learned this one the hard way.
With my SO of all people. She was starting to develop a yeast infection the evening we hard a hard core fuck fest and I rolled over and passed out as soon as I was done (she didn't know at the time, of course)
Woke up in the morning with her complaining of her yeast infection and I had a UTI. For those that have never had one, it fucking sucks.

Went to Dr. Explained the circumstances and he said, "Yeah. Makes sense. You should piss after fucking every time to clean out the pipes."
And prescribed me antibiotics. Cleared up in a few days.

Now I make a habit of chugging a bottle of water before an appointment for bbfs. That way I have a nice, solid piss right after.

Re: Regular checkups after bbfs

Post by EscortloverTO »

My SO was about to give me a BJ when she noticed my dicks piss hole stunk, she rubbed her finger on it and said smell it lol

fuck me did it ever smell bad, I blamed it on my kitten who was always at the time trying to constantly lick my sweaty ball sack while I was sleeping, lol she even saw him doing it once and said he must like salty sweaty balls cause he was at it again last night lol

To this day she still thinks it was the kitten lol
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Re: Regular checkups after bbfs

Post by Yycguy »

Don't know about TO but I get checked regularly at the STI clinic in town here. Free and anonymous. Not to mention sometimes a decent place to meet random on weekends as they do the walk of shame ;) :lol:

Re: Regular checkups after bbfs

Post by PervyErnie »

Shit!!!! YYC is a genius!!!
I might stop going to the women's jail and parking out front when prisoners are released. His plan seems a lot safer in one respect at least!! LMAO
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Re: Regular checkups after bbfs

Post by Zack10 »

PervyErnie wrote:Shit!!!! YYC is a genius!!!
I might stop going to the women's jail and parking out front when prisoners are released. His plan seems a lot safer in one respect at least!! LMAO
Not sure if you're serious about the jail thing, but if you are, I'm sure others here would like to hear a story or too lol.
When do they get released? Lol

Re: Regular checkups after bbfs

Post by fairfield »

Gentlemen lets return to the original topic. Please share your thoughts on the following:

1) Given the risks associated with bbfs, how often do you get tested for STDs.
2) If a lady offers you cip she most likely also has other 'special' clients. Do you think it is safe to see an SP who offers bbfscip?
3) Some SPs are riskier than others, e.g. those who openly advertise 'no restrictions' and/or do drugs. How do you draw the line of how much risk is optimal ;)
4) For those with SO/GF, how do you engage in sexual activity with SO/GF after bbfs with SP (no protection or condoms until tested clean).

Keep in mind that you can get tested for the two most common STDs chlamydia and gonorrhea 3-4 days after exposure (urine test). Testing for HIV and syphilis requires waiting 3 months after exposure (blood test). The thread on sexual health clinics is an excellent resource for us folks who like to play with fire ;)

Re: Regular checkups after bbfs

Post by hesterlee »

I know its fun to do bbfs...but is anyone afraid of getting hiv?
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